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Purposefully Purple

Ladies and gents, please give a warm welcome to Ultra Violet 18-3838. Pantone has declared it our color of the year. If you are not freaking out right now you should be, this is phenomenal news! Our life is so dull without color. As artist Vincent Van Gough said, “Color in a painting is like enthusiasm in life.” Colors motivate us, they make us feel and they inspire us. They give us a direction and purpose. We can use color strategically in business to better our marketing efforts. When we are at a loss for words, with enough meaning we can turn to color as a silent communicator like when Georgia O’Keeffe said, “I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn’t say any other way – things I had no words for.” This is why Ultra Violet being color of the year calls for a little hooray.

Let’s get to the “nitty gritty” and really get to know this Pantone 18-3838. As you gaze upon the richness of this mysterious shade you might think to yourself, ”Hm, I’m not too sure about this one” and there is something to be said for that initial reaction. Ultra Violet to its core, communicates originality, counterculture and personal expression. If you look at history, artists like Prince, David Bowie and Jimi Hendrix brought shades of purple to the forefront of our pop culture. There is no question that these are some of the most unique artists of their time and their talents are unparalleled. Before you get completely discouraged by this unconventional pantone I hope you also feel a little compelled and intrigued to explore its depths. Ultra violet symbolizes artistic brilliance and it may also spark your interest in pushing your own creative boundaries. They always say that nobody learns new things in their comfort zone, so why not take that leap into that mystical pantone?

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